Jimmy Hobley's Captain's Day outfit

Captain’s Blog

From our captain.

Dear Members and Guests of CGC,

Firstly I must apologise for not updating the Captain’s Blog more frequently. It has been a busy year for me  and  I cannot believe it is August already.

Captain’s Day

Captain’s Home Day in July was well supported. If anyone has any photos of the day I would appreciate if you could send them to me. It was good to see Tiger Burns and Panda Beeson there. And I must congratulate all the winners especially the overall winner Max Lawrence. He had a fantastic round of level par scoring him 45pts. It was good to see ex-captains Dicky Rawles and Alan Miles coming 2nd and 3rd also.  Congrats to Paul Beeson who won the Guest  Comp.

Jimmy Hobley's Captain's Day outfit


Captain and Vice  have had a reasonably good year  having lost just three matches. We are still in the Shelton at the semi- final stage.

Last year, we reached the final of the NAPGC Clapham Common. Unfortunately, this year, we were beaten before the Regional Final. So back to the drawing board for Dick next year.

The COB’s just have one match left to play at Ilford GC on 30th August. So if you are old enough and want to play please let myself or Greg Harper know. There will be a sheet  on the board in the changing room.  So far we have won all the home fixtures and lost all the aways ones.  Looks like a pattern!

Please make sure you arrange you Knock Out competition matches. We are getting to holiday time and this can mean some dates slip behind time. Steve Durman will not hesitate to DQ you if you haven’t tried to get the match played. So be warned!


Just a reminder of what is still to come for 2017.

Captains Away Day at Dyrham Park Golf Club on Friday 25th August.  If you haven’t already please put your name on the sheet at the clubhouse

CGC Annual Dinner and Dance is again being hosted by Theydon Bois GC ( October 7th).

That’s it for now Let me know if there’s anything you guys would like included in future blogs. We will try and accommodate all legal requests.

Thank you,




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